The numbers you're referring to, sir, are 2006 expenses. We're in 2009. Let me tell you what I've done since I've arrived. You are referring, though, to an important point: the use of taxpayers' money. I respect that a lot, and we are very well aware at CBC/Radio-Canada of the importance of using these funds smartly.
I came in on January 2, 2008. Our policies are now organized as follows: all of the expenses of our senior executive team members go through me; my expenses go to the chair of the board of directors; the direct reports of our senior executive team members are also vetted, all of their expenses, through them; and on November 24, 2008—I'll remember the date for a long time, because that's the e-mail I sent out when we were trying to cut expenses—we froze all discretionary expenses.
At the end of the day, our monitoring of these expenses right now is, I think, very solid monetarily. But I have to tell you also about meetings. We are a company that is in ten provinces plus the north. We have 10,000 employees, 553 managers. We want to bring these people together in normal business practices on a regular basis doing smart things. So we are going to continue holding these meetings. It's important for our team. We are in 80 locations. They have to be at one point in time in the same room—not all of them, but we think this is important to making sure we use the taxpayers' moneys to the best use.