When we started seeing the ad revenues drop, in television in particular, at CBC/Radio-Canada we started identifying solutions. We started talking about financial flexibility. One of the things financial flexibility involved was this bridge financing that you're referring to. Bridge financing had one goal--one important goal. It actually would have helped us reduce the number of job losses at CBC/Radio-Canada. We could have put this in place much faster than having to sell some of our assets. We figure there's a cost of about $3 million per week before we can access these dollars, and that affects our budget.
The number two thing is that this would have allowed us to gain time so that we could have made our voluntary retirement incentive plan perhaps a little more generous, and we could have used attrition, but unless permanent funding had been given to CBC/Radio-Canada, we would not have saved the 800 jobs. Bridge financing was about reducing the number of jobs impacted by this downturn.