Mr. Angus, this has been a very difficult time for us. Cuts have not been easy, and coming to the identification of 800 people, or 800 jobs, has been a very difficult exercise.
When we looked at how to deliver our services to different regions we started with certain priorities, and you heard some of the priorities that we talked about. Then we looked at the services that we could actually render in a particular community with what we have. It's obvious that when you have six or seven or eight and you take out three or four of those people from your station, then the number is much bigger than the 18% or 20%.
But we have to look at this on a global basis, on a provincial basis, on a regional basis. What we're trying to do right now is this. We have a voluntary retirement incentive program that we hope will be able to generate some flexibility. We have other programs that we are working hard on to try to generate some dollars. As I told you, one of my important priorities will be to try to look at how we can reinvest some of that money in the regions.