Thank you, Mr. Chair.
Good day, Minister Moore. I am very pleased to have you with us today. I just want to remind you that, under a specific motion, we invited you in the last week of March to come and talk about CBC/Radio-Canada. I'm going to try to psychoanalyze you, and I would like you to help me a bit. In fact, I only have five minutes to try and understand the difference between what you say and what you do, and when I say "you", I'm referring to your government.
Is it the funding or the mandate of CBC/Radio-Canada that you disapprove of? There are many things that you should have done for CBC/Radio-Canada, but you did not. If you really cared about your public broadcaster, you would have supported it through difficult times. Last year, when this committee submitted a report asking basically for three things, namely, for a memorandum of understanding plus stable funding over seven years, for the $60 million to automatically become part of the budget, and for the creation of a budget representing $40 per capita you reportedly welcomed these suggestions wholeheartedly and said you would act on them. But you did not do so.
Mr. Lacroix wrote a letter to your Prime Minister at the end of February, but he never received any reply. However, the week that the private broadcasters informed you of their financial difficulties, not only did they receive a favourable response from you, that is, that they would be receiving assistance, but they were also invited to dinner by the Prime Minister. So you walked the talk.
You have been asked time and time again to help CBC/Radio-Canada. You say that you have never given it so much money, but CBC/Radio-Canada says it has had a shortfall of $400 million in constant dollars since 1990.
Your members seem to have the same mindset. When the subject of CBC/Radio-Canada's possible disappearance is brought up in the House, the Conservative members applaud. Earlier, when Mr. Petit put a question to the representative of Remstar, he seemed to disapprove of the billion dollars that you were giving to CBC/Radio-Canada, stating that it was a lot of money. But we know that their mandates are not the same.
In short, is there something in CBC/Radio-Canada's mandate that does not suit you?