Thank you.
Mr. Allard, I think your presentation to us today is one of the strongest I've heard, and that's not with any disrespect to anyone else.
We have seen the BDUs come before us and tell us that they would never in a million years have any kind of conflict of interest as businessmen. They're in this, number one, to make money, but they are there to protect the public interest, because they receive all the talent and all the risk that's been taken by private entrepreneurs like you. Yet your allegations today are of a complete conflict of interest. Not only are they controlling the cable pipes, they're selling in direct competition with you, and they have their service agents selling their product over yours.
The question is, how can we have set up a situation in which the CRTC created such a protective market for these cable giants, and pampered them all the way through, and then is completely toothless when it comes to making sure that they are not engaged in anti-competitive practices against companies like yours? Could you explain to me what you see in terms of the need for monetary penalties to hold these guys in line?