That's excellent to know.
Mr. Cassaday, you made some very interesting remarks on the move to the new platforms, the digital and the digital development, which I don't think we've heard too much about. I was interested in a couple of your comments. You talked about needing to get beyond the idea of sheltering our product and actually promoting our products and our culture. I think that's something we certainly totally support.
Then you mentioned the need to experiment so that we can create this. I think we had this conversation, probably back in the television study, that you can't make good television unless you're able to make bad television, and you can't make bad television unless you have the money to invest to be able to make mistakes. Otherwise, you end up with very mediocre television.
First of all, with your company, do you have the resources necessary to do that kind of experimenting to start finding out what actually works and to promote it? Does that exist with your company?