Thank you for your questions, Dr. Fry. I'll speak to the first question and ask my colleague to speak to the second one.
We've looked at a number of ways of strengthening the broadcasting industry and local stations that the committee and the CRTC could consider. For example, the expansion of the quantum of the local programming incentives fund could be considered. There could be elimination or reduction of part II fees for over-the-air broadcasters, and a refund of the moneys currently the subject of litigation.
You could contemplate instituting some variant on fee-for-carriage, introduce some variant of Bell's “freesat”, arbitrate the distant-signal discussion, and avoid linkage with other issues. You could shrink and harmonize local programming requirements, and introduce the Sarkozy model for the CBC, which would get it out of advertising. That would cause some of those advertising revenues to flow to private over-the-air broadcasters.
Those are the sorts of things the committee might want to have a look at.