There you are. Well, that's fine; I don't know which way you're going on that, but that's okay.
With regard to copyright, it's actually a joint responsibility between Minister of Industry Tony Clement and me. The timing of the legislation is something we're still determining, quite frankly. It will be either the late spring or fall, but more likely the fall.
We're taking a look at Bill C-61. I think part of the problem previously around Bill C-61 was that a lot of conspiracy theories were cultivated around that. I think not having legislation out there for people actually to discuss and talk about and sink their teeth into caused a lot of fears that I think were unfounded.
We want to move quickly on this. It wasn't just in our election platform; I think more precise language is in the throne speech, which was adopted by this House back in November. That throne speech made it clear, and had the support of this House, that we would come forward with copyright legislation.
So we are going to be doing that. It will be a shared responsibility between me and Tony Clement. That actually speaks to the balance you're describing, which is—