On page 217 of the Budget, there is a chart that indicates that you decided to invest massively in your priorities in order to stimulate the economy. Some $18 billion and $15.5 billion are projected to the spent in 2009-2010 and 2010-2011 respectively. That is the government's action plan to stimulate the economy, which can be found on page 217. That amounts to approximately $34 billion over two years.
You have confirmed that there will be $276 million in new cultural funding, out of a total investment of $34 billion. I calculated the ratio, and it comes out to approximately one eighth of 1%. How can you say that, on the one hand, culture is important when, on the other, the government's total investment to stimulate the sector amounts to less than 1%? Given that culture represents approximately 7% of GDP, the government should have invested 7 times more.