The English and the French audiovisual systems are very different. As you know, the popularity of programs in the French language, and particularly inside Quebec, is immense. It's quite possible to get a substantial portion of the population of Quebec watching one signal at one time. That does not usually exist in English-speaking Canada, except for the most popular Hollywood programs. So the two are very different.
I think the broadcasting policy has recognized that over the years. The CRTC is exceptionally sensitive towards the needs of the francophone community, and as you know, the budgets of organizations like SRC and CBC are not chopped on a population basis but in order to provide some equilibrium. So Canada has been a flexible country in the last 50 to 60 years with respect to the differing needs of the two systems.
The group I represent is preoccupied with the English-language side, which of course is continually washed with satellite rain from the United States of America.