Our production community is the fourth largest in Canada, after Toronto, Vancouver, and then Montreal. Over the last decade, Manitoba has grown faster than any other established production centre in Canada. Our total volume of film and television has more than doubled, from $68 million to $143 million.
We provide over 1,500 full-time jobs for Manitobans, and we contribute approximately $100 million to our economy each year. In fact, our soon-to-be-published economic impact study, SNAPSHOT, will show that $1 million spent on production in Manitoba results in 27 person-years of employment. That's a higher rate of job creation than most of the other major industries in Manitoba, including transportation equipment manufacturing, furniture manufacturing, construction, mining, and real estate services.
It's important also to note that Manitoba is 2,000 kilometres from most of Canada's film and television decision-makers in Vancouver, Toronto, and Montreal, and without any direct air links to Los Angeles or New York. Our success is a testament to the passion and drive of local producers to get their stories told.