If you take it literally, I said that the resounding silence meant that I didn't get an answer. Obviously, I got an answer. I read it out to you earlier today. The answer to my question was the equivalent of a resounding silence, because it didn't answer what I asked, which was to put some flesh on the bones. What does it mean? If you get a fee for carriage, what am I going to get from you? And I didn't get anything substantive that way.
I've learned. I will not continue to use figures of speech like this. I will be more serious. This is not my first time in Parliament. It's about the hundredth time I have had to testify before a parliamentary committee. I know that with Parliament you don't mislead it. You give the information as precisely and as concisely as you can. As I say, it was a figure of speech. It never occurred to me that when I said there was a resounding silence that somebody would read that to mean that there was no answer. Yes, there was an answer. I read the answer out to you. It wasn't a response to the question I posed.