Yes, it's an idea we will certainly fully support as well. From all the information we have, it should remain with the Canada Council, because this is not an issue of pitching FACTOR or MUSICACTION against the Canada Council. They are operating under different circumstances, with different mandates, under different criteria, and it is not taking anything off FACTOR to say their concerns are not with this sort of developmental money. They have to have a return on their investment. They are making loans.
So yes, and I will not waste the opportunity: you started with $2 million—$2 million would be fine, because I'm sure the extra $700,000 could be put to good use in terms of music development. We're not too greedy; we would just be happy if it were back to the $1.3 million as a base budget of the Canada Council and remain there. They will be able to show, in I hope 15 years' time, the same sorts of results they've shown for the past 23 years with this program, which according to all evaluation processes—and God knows government evaluation processes are tight—show that it's run efficiently and it does what it's supposed to do.