I'm not sure what Jesse may or may not have received. It's hard for me to speak on this, because we are the affiliated office for FACTOR, but we are not FACTOR. So I can tell you what I know, but I can't speak on FACTOR's behalf.
What I can say is that FACTOR does fund all genres. I know for a fact that of approximately 1,500 applications, over 450 of those were of the non-commercial variety—about $4 million last year—but as I did say, there is a distinction to be made between funding classical jazz roots and.... It's a fan: at some point along that continuum, it is something that FACTOR would never support, and that is where this program kicks in.
It picks up the slack where FACTOR would just not get involved because there's not a clear commercial viability to it. So it filled a gap that MUSICACTION and FACTOR and other programs didn't cover, to my knowledge.