The Conseil québécois de la musique has put a lot of information on its website. We have included all of the press releases that we have received from groups, associations and political parties. We have also included newspaper articles that we were able to find; there is a hyperlink for these articles. The texts which we are presenting today will be there. People who wish to obtain information can easily get it through the site.
Upcoming and young artists are involved in the Conseil québécois de la musique. Moreover, we have an award, the Opus award, which is for the Discovery of the Year, that we hand out every year along with the bursary. I would like to clarify that although we are talking about specialized music, we are not always referring to extremely specialized niche music. In my opening statement, I said that many of the recordings that my colleagues here have made have been nominated, have been finalists and even winners of the Juno award, the ADISQ prize, the Felix award, the Opus award. Every year, we hand out 30 or so Opus awards to our members and there are 6 categories for the recordings. Next year, in 2010, I do not know whether we are going to be able to hand out these awards if there are cutbacks, because there will hardly be any more recordings.
It is important to point out that the Canada Council for the Arts does not automatically hand out grants to anyone who applies. There are a lot of applicants and few are chosen. There is good quality at the outset because selection is done by a jury of peers. I know that Effendi prepared a long list of their recordings that were nominated by various juries.