Mr. Chair, I know you said I have 30 seconds left, so I'm going to move on.
My point was that I don't believe that all those Italians who are not members of your organizations in total are any less responsible or any less Italian or any less deserving of being represented because they're not members of your organization.
Let me ask this one last question. I'm going to assume, and I know you all do, that the office of the Prime Minister.... It's safe to say that you all respect the office of the Prime Minister. So when the Prime Minister of Canada says “This kind of behaviour was not then, is not now, and never will be acceptable in a civilized nation that purports to respect the rule of law, and on behalf of the Government and people of Canada, I offer a full and unqualified apology for the wrongs done to our fellow Canadians of Italian origin during World War II”, how can you not--