Thank you, Mr. Chair.
I would also like to speak to an issue that is important. I actually received some phone calls on this very issue when we started to discuss this in committee. It is regarding something Ms. Dhalla brought up about the Komagata Maru incident. A great number of issues have some resemblance to this. Again, just like this bill that we're discussing, there are some people who are going to agree with it and there are going to be people in the community who won't agree with it. The Sikh community, the South Asian community, the Indo-Canadian community--however you want to see it, they have contributed to Canada a great deal, economically and culturally. I believe that was respected and acknowledged when the Prime Minister went to Punjab just recently. I had an opportunity to go with him and to go to the Golden Temple.
In the Komagata Maru incident, in response to calls for the Government of Canada to address historic wrongs involving immigration and wartime measures, the Conservative government, in 2006, created the community historical recognition program to provide grants and contribution funding for community projects linked to wartime measures and immigration restrictions and national historical recognition programs to fund federal initiatives, developed in partnership with various groups. The announcement was made on June 23, 2006. At the time, Prime Minister Harper apologized in the House of Commons for the head tax against Chinese immigrants.
On August 6, 2006, Prime Minister Harper made a speech at the Mela Gadri Babian Da in Surrey, where he stated that the Government of Canada acknowledged the Komagata Maru incident and announced the government's commitment to undertake consultations with the Indo-Canadian community on how best to recognize this sad moment in Canada's history.
On May 10, 2008, Jason Kenney, Secretary of State for Multiculturalism and Canadian Identity announced that the Indo-Canadian community would be able to apply for up to $2.5 million in grants and contributions funding to commemorate the Komagata Maru incident.
On August 3, 2008, Prime Minister Harper appeared at the 13th annual Mela Gadri Babian Da in Surrey, in front of thousands of people, Mr. Chair, to issue an apology for the Komagata Maru incident. He said in response to the House of Commons motion calling for an apology from the government, “On behalf of the government of Canada, I am officially conveying as Prime Minister that apology.”
I've spoken to many people in the community who appreciate the fact that the Prime Minister came out to the community and apologized in front of thousands of people. Again, as Mr. Del Mastro said, this was the Prime Minister of Canada. For 13 years the Liberal Party, the Liberal government, had this opportunity to make these apologies. They didn't do that. For a couple of those years, Ms. Dhalla was a member of that government and could have brought the issue up at that time, but chose not to. Frankly, I see in this case as well that it's an opportunity for the Liberals to try to split the community and try to gain some political favour from it. An apology has been made to the community with great respect, and I know many people in the community agree with that apology and respect it and feel we should move on.
Plus, there's $2.5 million being given in that instance for education and for people to know about it. It's the same thing in this bill as well. There are going to be funds put towards it for education. But I would also be concerned about which organizations are going to be controlling those funds and how they will be controlled, because that can further divide the community, or even just have people object to who is running that.
I think regarding an apology in the House, we have to take a look at other instances as well. If we can get the clerk to possibly pull up which apologies have been made in the House, we can look at their relevance, and also the apologies made outside of the House by governments, and their relevance. I think that would help us to better understand what direction we should take on this bill.