You were very accurate when you pointed out that over the last ten years there has been a healthy increase in the number of groups that offer training. That's true, but not everyone offers training at the same level. The benefit of a national training program that has not-for-profit institutes as part of it.... And particularly in our case, it's the highly accessible nature of our program. Twenty-five percent of our students are of diversity. They're from all across this country. The tuition that we charge is very modest and it's at the same level that it was in 1997. It's offered at all levels.
The point I'm trying to make is that in the spectrum of training, there might be volume but there is only one program such as the one we're offering; it's the first in this country. And I'll be happy to forward to you a great deal of correspondence that we've received from past students who benefited from our program and are quite concerned about what lies ahead for people who will be following in their footsteps.