I will.
Madame Lavallée, once again you've misrepresented what was said. To begin with, the financing of Le Québécois is unquestionable. If you flip through it, you'll find all kinds of ads placed by both members of your party and members of the PQ.
There are all sorts of things written in that paper that are offensive. They're offensive to Quebeckers and offensive to Canadians. I think it's shameful that, with the types of incitement going on around this event--a commemoration of Canada's history--the Bloc did nothing. It did nothing to distance itself from it and nothing to condemn it.
It appears that the coalition is alive and well: you are going to specifically support this type of action that occurred in Quebec rather than come out and condemn it and see that the funds from the Parliament of Canada cannot support this in the future.
Taxpayers' money should not be used to finance this type of garbage. That's the point of this motion. If you all want to gang up and vote against it, and see that parliamentary funds can be used to support that kind of garbage, go ahead. Conservative members will be voting in favour of the motion.