I would like to complete our presentation with some final comments made without notes.
I have been a producer for 30 years. I take part in the everyday activities of the INIS as a member of the board and as a trainer, from time to time. I also benefit, on a daily basis, from the training provided by the Institute. I produced the film C.R.A.Z.Y and the series La Vie, la vie. We produce series such as Naked Josh and Ciao Bella in French and English.
The INIS is an organization with very deep roots in Quebec society, because all the trainers come from the community. They are not theorists; rather, they are practicians who teach students who have been very carefully chosen. Indeed, 80 per cent of them end up finding jobs. In an environment where technological change is both quick and significant, the role of the Institute in our fast-paced society is absolutely vital.
There is also a lot of discussion about the new generation, which is of particular interest to me. Many baby-boomers, including myself, will soon be leaving the industry. If we do not train people capable of doing the job, we will be in very dire straits.
Canada and Quebec currently have a marked advantage when it comes to production. We export our expertise. A fellow who worked with us until last year is now the Director of Fiction for TF1, the largest French-speaking television network in the world. So, we export both expertise and productions.
I find it rather irresponsible, on the part of the federal government, to completely withdraw support. Federal funding represents 25 p. 100 of the Institute's operating budget. It simply is not possible to take that kind of action at a time when it is essential to excel in the world. We absolutely must find a way to restore the Institute's budget. The very survival of the organization is at stake—an organization that has been successful, since its creation, in providing Quebec with new directors, producers and authors, and in developing professional development programs that have benefited everyone.
I must admit that I am at a loss when it comes to the intricacies of government programs, but if another program comes forward that allows to compensate the lost funding, that would be an absolutely essential step in ensuring the survival of the INIS.
Thank you for your attention.
We're ready to answer your questions, in French or in English.
Thank you.