Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman.
I, too, would like to welcome you to the committee. Thank you very much for being with us today.
Ms. Brouillé, you concluded by saying that you would like to be given proof that these programs are ineffective. We would all like to see that proof. However, when we ask the government to show us why these programs are not working, it hides behind the fact that documents are confidential, and so on.
Mr. Chairman, to that end, I tabled a motion asking the government to provide the documents which were the basis for making the cuts by last Friday at noon. However, we have received nothing, with the exception of a two- or three-word e-mail. I am very anxious to receive those documents, Mr. Chairman.
First of all, the government is hiding behind documents that it promises to provide, but that we never receive. Furthermore, you and others have been telling us, week after week, that these programs are working, even though they do not have all the facts as to the way they are managed. They told us that the monies received had been used by artists, craftspeople and companies. Those programs have resulted in numerous success stories.
My sense is that this is a case where the baby has been thrown out with the bath water. These programs may not be entirely perfect, but rather than cancelling altogether, an intermediate solution could have been found. People have suggested that the programs be restored, and that they be managed by the Canada Council for the Arts.
Do you agree with that?