I would like to thank you both for the very interesting presentation; it was very technical, but at the same time very good.
My question is for Mr. Anderson.
Mr. Anderson, we have received many people who gave us their recommendations on how to revitalize the digital and emerging media industry on which our current study is based. We know that we have to establish a stronger global presence in order to become more competitive, to have access to more capital, to be able to control what is going on in Canada, and to strengthen our system.
However, strengthening our system would also imply creating large corporations against which regular individuals would be powerless. One example that comes to mind is the case of Mr. Claude Robinson, who is currently in a similar situation. He is alone, battling with Cinar, a multi-billion-dollar company. While his case is valid, Robinson has so far been unable to have his grievances acknowledged.
Another example that comes to mind is that of the individuals who claim that Google has plagiarized their work. They were told by Google representatives that if they had a problem, they could sue the company. But how is one to take Google to court?
I think it is a good thing that we want to make our industries increasingly powerful. However, by doing so, we would be running the risk of making them so powerful that regular individuals would no longer be able to seek justice against them. Do you see the problem? Do you have any solutions to offer?