Thank you, Mr. Rodriguez.
On the way in which we believe we can generate shelf space or generate product for Canadian content online, we'd love to see regulation, but that's not going to be the case. We certainly don't want to get painted with the view that we want to regulate the Internet; that's what they do in China and Saudi Arabia.
What we suggest, though, is that incentives be put in place, things like, as Tyrone suggested, amending section 19.1 of the Income Tax Act. For those who are not aficionados of the Income Tax Act, section 19.1 is something already in place.
It's a provision that allows advertisers to deduct their business expenses with respect to advertising placed on Canadian broadcasting outlets versus U.S. outlets. This was in the year, of course, when border stations were competing with Canadian stations. The government then put this in place, amending the act, to provide that advertisers could deduct their expenses if they put the ad on a Canadian border station versus a U.S. border station.
Well, it's not much of a stretch to apply section 19.1 to websites. If you put your ads on Canadian websites versus U.S. websites, that would be an incentive to put advertising on Canadian websites, which would obviously build up Canadian websites.
Another idea is to do as Google already does. When you Google, you're asked if you want to Google in Canada; everybody knows that. Let's apply that to Yahoo and the other search engines, again giving Canadians an opportunity to indicate a preference for Canadian material to come to the top of the heap when they're searching for materials.