Thank you.
Good morning, Mr. Chairman, and members of the committee.
You'll notice how neatly I got around avoiding saying your surname there.
I am very pleased to appear before you again on behalf of the National Film Board. I'm Tom Perlmutter. I'm the government film commissioner and chair of the NFB. With me today are Claude Joli-Coeur, the assistant film commissioner, and Deborah Drisdell, who's the director general of accessibility and digital enterprises.
The NFB is a federal cultural agency, established in 1939, to produce and distribute original audiovisual works that are creatively innovative and can contribute to Canadians' understanding of the issues facing our country and raise awareness of Canadian viewpoints around the world.
Over a 70-year period the NFB has become Canada's best known cinematic brand. Last year, on the occasion of our 70th anniversary we were fêted in China, Brazil, Japan, France, England and Ireland among many other countries. In the past week alone, I have received requests for partnerships from Malaysia, Korea, Singapore and Colombia. The value of the NFB brand for Canada is immeasurable.
Today, in a rich and diverse audiovisual world, the NFB remains distinct as a creative laboratory, a leader in exploring terrain that cannot be undertaken by the private sector, a voice for under-represented Canadians, a prime means to assure the vitality of a francophone culture, and not least, one of Canada's leading pioneers in the digital realm. The latter is playing a crucial role in many of the international requests for partnerships that I mentioned above.
The digital revolution is seismic. Today we're focusing on its impact on the cultural industries, but it's important to bear in mind that the reach of this revolution is much broader. It touches everything, how we organize our lives personally, socially, economically, politically, and culturally. It's a revolution, which in its impact and consequences is as profound, if not more so, than the Industrial Revolution of the late 18th and 19th centuries.
Consider that worldwide, over 1 billion users are now connected to the Internet, close to 20% of the planet, 20% of all human beings connected across borders, across languages, across cultures. And that number grows daily. The impact of mobile will be even more profound because of its ability to penetrate where land lines and electricity are not widely available. I travelled through some remote parts of Africa last summer, and was astonished by the extent to which cell towers proliferated where there was little else in the way of infrastructure.
In Canada, we are among the most avid users of digital technology. According to the ComScore 2009 report, the digital media universe in Canada has grown 11% over the past three years. On average, there are more than 24.5 million Canadians online each month. Canada is the country with the highest Internet penetration rate. In March of this year, Ipsos reported that for the first time ever in their tracking research — we have made a fundamental step in this area — the weekly Internet usage of online Canadians has moved ahead of the number of hours spent watching television.
Crucially, Canadians are also the greatest consumers of video on line. Total videos streamed grew 123% in 2009 versus a year earlier — a monthly average of 263 videos per viewer.
Time spent watching online videos surged even more dramatically, with a 169% increase. By the end of 2009, the average unique viewer was spending 20.6 hours per month watching video. While YouTube accounted for the largest share, at 30%, significant growth also occurred among long tail sites--such as our own held a 55% share.
The impact has been disruptive on Canadian cultural industries, which have been structured on the basis of a protected universe with high barriers to entry, enforceable regulation for areas such as content quotas, and clear ways to monetize content. All of that is increasingly subject to the corrosive effects of digital technology, and the freedom it allows users to disregard national frontiers or established ways of delivering and consuming content.
We are only in the early days of this revolution. Google is just over 10 years old. YouTube celebrated its fifth anniversary last week. Twitter was launched in March 2006. Facebook extended beyond its original college circuit only four years ago. Today, one in two Canadians has a Facebook page. That's in four years.
The point is that the digital world is in constant transformation and we have no way of predicting what the world will look like in five years and who the new conquerors of the digital space will be. It may be players who do not exist, they could be Canadian. Who knows? They could be some of the extraordinary companies that are members of the Canadian Interactive Alliance of creative talent represented by your next witness — a former colleague and friend. Given the range of talent and smarts in Canada, one of the questions we need to ask is why have not any of the big players emerged from Canada and what can we do to ameliorate the picture for the future.
We hear a lot about technology driving change. It is not technology in a vacuum. There are scores of examples of technologies that had the potential to create change and fell flat. Telidon was a pre-Internet Canadian innovation of the eighties. It went nowhere.
The current wave of digital technology is so potent because it strikes at two core needs in audiences, in consumers, and in citizens: firstly, the need to exert greater control over our own lives; and secondly, the irrepressible urge to express ourselves and to be players, not just observers.
This, I think, is one of the great engines of the ongoing growth and strength of social networks, which today account for over 40% of Canadian Internet usage.
Here's the thing: social networking now also includes significant cultural marketing, consumption, and creation, another opportunity for Canada's cultural industries. For example, the whole of NFB's national screening room is embedded within Facebook, allowing users to engage with our videos and continue with their social networking activities.
But as much as the consumers want to seize control, the purveyors of that technology want to seize it back. The recent controversy over Facebook and privacy is exactly about the issue. Who owns controls and has the right to exploit the information that I, as an individual, put on the net? It's critical to note that the information I, or any other Canadian, uploads is not on some neutral, transparent system. I insert it within a pre-existing framework. It may be Facebook, or Twitter, or Google's YouTube, or Murdoch's MySpace. As Canadians, we may in fact log in to or, but the fundamental fact is that the information is always potentially controlled by authors, and often is.
We are unique in the world that our engagement as Canadians is almost overwhelmingly with non-Canadian sites--that is, with American sites. There is no Canadian-owned and -operated company in the top 10 web destinations. That may have changed recently with CTV's online catch-up television, but that would be for American television offerings.
This is in contrast to the case in the U.K., Australia, France, Italy, and many other countries. One of our leading digital executives operating in the private sector notes that Canadians are “drawers of electricity and hewers of bandwidth”. We are in danger of replicating the situation that currently exists in broadcasting, where great sums of money flow south to buy programming and Canadian content is the poor stepchild.
Let me be clear: none of this is leading to an argument for walled gardens or restricting choices for consumers. It is about looking level-headedly and with clear eyes at the problem and finding the innovative solutions that will leverage Canadian creativity and output into the digital sphere.
Even as we recognize that change is upon us, I fear that many of the discussions I am hearing are still anchored within the terminology of a traditional media universe. The justification has been that television remains dominant in the marketplace in terms of viewers and revenue generation. There is the concession that we need to take account of digital media, but only to the extent that we can deliver the old wine in the new bottles and collect on both the wine and the bottles.
On the first issue, even as television holds steady—or may even show some small increase in audiences—Internet use has grown even more, and most spectacularly in the under-18 category, our audience of the future.
On the second issue, it is true that television retains the lion's share of dollars, but we are seeing the shift of ad dollars into the online world. There's no equivalent there to broadcast's simultaneous substitution, so 60% of online ad revenue currently goes south. That means that none of that 60% is available to develop a Canadian content industry, and over the next few years that loss of revenue will be a major hit to the ways in which we finance cultural production.
On the third issue of what kind of content will dominate, there's certainly a lot of traditional media viewing on the net, but there is no assurance that it will continue to be the dominant form in five or ten years.
PricewaterhouseCoopers, in their most recent global media survey, concedes that television remains dominant but adds that all the momentum is with online and mobile. Much of our industry's response to the shifting sands has been essentially to tuck our heads into those sands.
We are working on an assumption of incremental, manageable change, and yet something very different may be happening. Instead of incremental change, we may be pushing to a tipping point when—bang—everything becomes undone with enormous rapidity.
Now, I cannot say with certainty that this will be the case, but whether it is a longer or shorter transition, we need to figure out how to prepare for that eventuality. Yet our discourse tends to be how to protect the horse and buggy trade while the gas piston engines are being knocked up in the woodsheds.
What are some of the things that might push us to that tipping point? Let me point to a couple of examples. There is a centre of competitive gravity that is shifting east. I returned from MIP, the world's largest television marketplace, last week. The dominating presence of Asia, with large delegations from China, Korea, and Singapore, was inescapable. They weren't just talking about traditional media. They were focusing on digital.
Singapore, for example, is throwing an incredible amount of resources into the media sector, and into digital specifically. They're offering a reach of three billion people within a five-hour radius of Singapore. There are 5,600 media companies there—1,000 of them foreign, including many of the Asian headquarters for global brands such as Discovery and National Geographic. It's a test bed centre for digital innovation and stereoscopic production. They are phasing in an optic fibre network to every home, offering speeds of one gigabit per second. Singapore is out to conquer the world.
You may say that it is a different audience and a different kind of population, but consider this. Last month Statistics Canada released their projections of the diversity of the Canadian population. Our country is in the process of major transformation. The large urban centres will be composed of what, today, we call visible minorities—Toronto and Vancouver at 60%; Calgary and Ottawa at 35%; Montreal, Edmonton, and Winnipeg pushing towards 30%. It is not uniform and it is not across the country, but these urban centres tend to be the drivers of our cultural and media industries. Very little of that diversity is reflected in our traditional media. If I'm a Chinese Canadian, I may want to connect with the world in a different way because I want to see a world that reflects more of who I am. Digital provides me with options that currently traditional does not.
Secondly, as we move to higher-end digital infrastructure, change becomes qualitative. Connection speeds of one gigabyte per second alter the universe. It is a tipping point. That's the kind of technological change that happened between Web 1.0 and Web 2.0, and that triggered the current wave of disruption. The changes to come are potentially more dramatic.
Coming from the point of view of content creation, and given the NFB's drive to innovate, I can tell you that we're on the threshold of something quite radical. This isn't simply about platforms. We are witnessing the birth of a new art form that will be immensely transformational—more powerful than the movement to television was in the 1950s.
Incidentally, our intention at the NFB is to be at the forefront in these new forms of creation, not simply for Canada, but for the world. I'm happy to note, for example, that today we're currently up for five Webby nominations. The Webbys are the Oscars of the digital world.
I think the example of the NFB and how we have embraced the digital challenge could serve as an inspiration for Canadians and provide a sense that there are remarkable opportunities for Canadians to innovate in this area. I will touch on this briefly, but it is more developed in an annex which we have submitted with this presentation and provided to the Clerk.
Since the launch of NFB's national screening room at the beginning of last year, we've had over five million views of NFB films. In October we launched our iPhone application, which quickly became both a critical and popular success. iTunes called it one of the ten best applications of the year. In less than half a year, we've had 700,000 views of films on the iPhone. We are ready to launch on the iPad when it comes to Canada. was the first platform in North America for viewing works in French by francophone creators. The stakes here are high because the net is so dominated by English, at 80%. We need to ensure
... and we will do so, that the vitality of the francophone culture will allow the full expression of this francophone creativity.
We've made the films available for free by streaming. We'll continue to do that. It is a public policy decision, and, paradoxically, a sound commercial decision.
We are reconnecting and reinvigorating our relationship with Canadians, but we are about to move into a second phase, which will see us testing various models for generating revenues: commercial deals with partners such as YouTube and other syndicated sites, online transactions, micropayments, and a range of other possibilities.
I have no doubt that as the models evolve, economic solutions will be found. In the interim, however, for Canada and the cultural industries, there are a number of critical issues. It’s clear we need to ramp up our infrastructure both in online and mobile. We need massive investment in training. Our own experience has shown that it is not simply possible to transfer linear production models to digital productions. It involves radically different ways of organizing budgeting, work processes, and workflows, and it requires additional and different technical skills, the artisanal basis that is fundamental to any art form based on technology.
We need to look at copyright legislation and balance the interests of creators of intellectual property and consumers and citizens.
We need to understand what the barriers to investment are and why Canadian success stories often do not evolve into the global success of a Facebook or Twitter—because we had that potential. Look at the example of Flickr, developed in Canada in 2004. A year later it was bought by Yahoo, and all the content was migrated from Canadian servers to U.S. ones. We need to look at how to ensure that the great wealth of existing content generated by the public and private sectors, often with public subsidies, can be digitized and made available to Canadians.
We shouldn't be taking a piecemeal approach to this. We need to do two things.
One is that we need to devise a national digital strategy that is more long term in its thinking. Many jurisdictions have done exactly that, such as Britain with Digital Britain, and France with France numérique, as well as New Zealand and Australia, to name a few. The process would bring together many diverse sectors: technological innovation, finance, cultural industries, communications industries, and so on.
As government film commissioner, I have taken the initiative in this area of calling for a national digital strategy well over a year ago. Since then, I have assembled a broad-based group of people from the private and public sectors to brainstorm ideas. I am heartened to have read, in the very words spoken by our minister before the committee, that The Honourable Tony Clement will soon be leading a consultative process for such a strategy and we look forward to enriching it with the work of our group.
But we also need a transitional strategy. How do we ensure that we can capitalize on our traditional media industries and their strengths, not cannibalize their revenue base, and build rapidly the new digital businesses of the future? What Minister Moore has done with the Canada Media Fund is a step in the right direction.
As one final point, we talk about the digital revolution mainly in terms of an economic strategy and global competitiveness, but there is a larger story. As much as it is said that digital democratizes media, it is also a solvent, dissolving social cohesiveness. It facilitates the formation of communities of interest as much as communities. The paradox of the virtual world is the isolation of connection. In moving forward, we need to understand that there is something large and crucial at stake here. It has to do with nation-building. If we park that at the door, we do ourselves and our country an enormous disservice.
Canadians have a yearning to connect beyond their individual interests. We saw that in the phenomenal outpouring of pride during the Vancouver Olympics. It tapped into a deeply felt need. I think we saw it a little bit also last night, and I certainly see it here, with Monsieur Galipeau's sweater, that kind of pride of victory. If we recognize this, then digital can also become a powerful tool to create social cohesiveness. This has to do with ensuring the public space in an online world.
One of the most interesting things for us at the NFB has been the comments of audiences, across all age groups, about For the first time, they had in one place, easily accessible and at their convenience, a unique view of our country, crossing time, geography, and language and ethnic barriers. They came and saw something that we often forget: the immeasurable beauty and wonder of our country. Our audiences watched, understood, and took it to heart; and I’ll tell you, their hearts swelled with pride. We know this because they haven’t been shy about telling the world.
Thank you.