I mentioned Singapore because they were so out there, but they still made a decision to invest massively. Australia is investing millions and millions of Australian dollars in terms of broadband. In Britain there's Digital Britain, and they just passed their Digital Economy Bill. Again, it's infrastructure in terms of bandwidth and taking it out there. They're talking about 100 megabits per second getting across. They are all very aware of that digital divide.
In New Zealand it's the same thing. In France it's the same thing. Everyone is saying that's a starting point. That's the place we've got to start if we want to be in the game to ensure it's not just major urban centres. But how do we get that service? Canada has always had these difficulties. We had it with broadcasting. How do we get to the north? How do we reach out and across that? That's why we had Telesat and other satellite services.
We've got to keep pushing that, and there's going to be a cost to it. There's no way around it, but that's part of the cost of being Canadian.