As for Canadian content, we firmly believe that the new Canadian communications policy, including communication concerning digital media, will have to provide, in particular, for regulations that afford a framework for the supply of cultural content through digital media. Today, the CRTC has preferred not to regulate in this field in order to monitor developments—the entire Internet. We think it is time to do so, to ensure that there is Canadian cultural content and that it is accessible on all platforms.
This new policy should also provide that the obligation to contribute to the presentation of Canadian content applies to new cultural content and service providers offering access to that content through digital media. In fact, the majority of principles set out in the Canadian Broadcasting Policy should apply comprehensively to communication involving all media, including digital media. However, the resulting regulation should be adapted to the reality of new dissemination and distribution channels. It could take the form of sufficiently appealing incentives to attract providers and ensure that the interests of all stakeholders in the system are addressed.
With regard to large ownership groups, the APFTQ contends that the new broadcasting context increasingly calls for regulation that can guarantee that the major ownership groups do not conduct themselves in such a way as to jeopardize the existence of the conditions necessary for the diversity of voices. The principle of the diversity of voices is protected under the Canadian Broadcasting Policy. Policies must aim both to limit the rate of increase in ownership concentration and to frame the practices of those groups by putting in place guidelines that guarantee a genuine diversity of voices. For more details, we can provide you with a copy of the brief that we filed with the CRTC specifically on this subject.