With respect to the CRTC, it's an area we watch very closely. But our members, being video game companies, are neither broadcasters nor telecommunications providers, so they're not directly regulated, which is a position we quite like being in.
As an aside, I would point out that our industry and its explosive growth is an interesting example of a situation that has really grown up quite organically. You have had a number of supportive government policies to grow the industry, but we haven't required regulation to foster creation of Canadian content, because we are delivering Canadian content, frankly to global audiences.
As a consequence, at this juncture we wouldn't have any specific recommendations. I know that a lot of different ideas have been floated, both towards this committee and in general. I think it's mostly that we need to reconsider it. The CRTC itself has been calling for a re-examination of its mandate; it feels it doesn't have the tools to address a lot of the issues that are coming up in the online environment. Everyone is talking, of course, about convergence. A re-examination of both the CRTC and all the legislation it administers is, I think, worthwhile.
All of this being said, this is going to be a complicated endeavour. It's not going to be easily accomplished. You need to make sure that all of the stakeholders have a voice at the table and can express their views on what they feel the mandate should be, whether or not everything should be amalgamated into a single communications act, whether or not there's actually any point in doing so. I think all of these views need to be considered, but as part and parcel of an overall digital strategy.
This is part of that issue of taking a comprehensive approach whereby we have to consider how each individual piece affects the whole. While the video game sector may not be much affected, certainly wide swaths of the digital media sector would be, particularly in audio-visual. We have to be very careful and cognizant of those impacts.