Over time, the production businesses in Canada has matured and has become increasingly well established. Nevertheless, production companies must now deal with significant changes to their traditional business models. Long gone are the days when a producer could conceive of a program for a single exhibition window, and the days are also past when they could secure the necessary financing to produce that show by licensing the rights for a multitude of individual television broadcasters in Canada and abroad.
Production companies have been thrust into a position where they must now produce a program concurrently for several platforms, and they must do so with fewer domestic and international sources of financing. This has led to significant financial challenges.
Consolidation in the Canadian television broadcast sector is a large part of our financing challenge. With only three large broadcast corporate groups now in English Canada, there are effectively few selling opportunities in the television market for our members. Increasingly, broadcasters also want to undertake their productions in-house. When they do decide to commission work from independent producers, it's typically because the projects are much riskier to produce. They are using, and some might even say abusing, their dominant position in the market to secure unreasonable terms from Canadian producers. They are demanding more rights, including all digital rights, and often paying very little or no additional money for these rights.
We highlight that a broadcaster is also the trigger to access financing from the Canada Media Fund and also one of the main triggers to access the Canadian film or video production tax credit. This puts them in a very strong bargaining position.
Independent producers are often faced with a very serious quandary. They either accept the take-it-or-leave-it deal offered by these large broadcasters to keep their business alive, or they turn down the terrible terms and face the prospect of putting their business on hold, or even closing their doors permanently.
This kind of behaviour by broadcasters undermines the sustainability of independent production companies and, by extension, the many thousands of jobs they support. This is why we have been pushing fiercely for equitable and enforceable terms of trade with broadcasters.
Thankfully, the CRTC has recognized this issue and has repeatedly stated its expectation that producers and broadcasters reach real and meaningful agreements by 2011. We remain hopeful that an agreement with teeth can be achieved.
In addition to this particular challenge, foreign financing to Canadian-certified productions has significantly decreased, dropping from $407 million to $196 million between 2001 and 2008. Our co-production activity has also experienced incredible declines, dropping by more than half to about $390 million through the same period.
In our view, these downward trends can be reversed by updating our international policies and programs. Canada's official co-production treaties and new export promotion programs could be invaluable tools in these areas.
Despite the formidable challenges faced by independent producers, they have nonetheless achieved success. Some have consistently been at the forefront of exploiting the unique potential of the Internet to deliver Canadian programming to audiences on new platforms and in new ways.
In a number of cases, independent producers have collaborated with broadcasters to extend the reach of existing successful Canadian television series over the Internet. In other cases, independent producers have used the Internet as a primary distribution platform for their content, either through self-distribution or by entering into revenue-sharing arrangements with distributors such as Joost, Babelgum, and Sling.
Critically acclaimed multi-platform programs like the award-winning regenesistv.com from Xenophile Media and Shaftesbury Films, and the cutting-edge new media components of Degrassi: The Next Generation, from Epitome Pictures, are some examples.
Another example is Marblemedia's, thisisdanielcook.com. It's the companion website to the television series, This is Daniel Cook, which is sold all over the world. It puts preschoolers in control with bright symbols, spoken instructions, and stimulating games and activities. Here's what's incredible: thisisdanielcook.com achieves an impressive 1.7 million page views per month. That's a Canadian program being taken to the world.
Another one of your questions addresses what producers can do to benefit from developments in the digital media and to prepare for the future. As I've noted, independent producers have been innovative and they continue to adapt to take advantage of new opportunities in digital media, and in the Internet more specifically.
Two days ago in Toronto we hosted a round table “kitchen cabinet” meeting to which were invited leading experts from several sectors, including independent producers, broadcasters, telecommunications and wireless representatives, web-based companies, as well as other industry organizations. We also invited a select group of regular Canadian consumers who are comfortable using digital media. The goal of this round table was to allow all of us to learn from consumers and identify their areas of common interest so that key stakeholders could work collaboratively on moving forward. We are organizing another similar round table in Ottawa with senior government officials from various departments.
No one has a crystal ball with which to predict with certainty the future of digital media, but there is one thing we do know. Having an environment in which all stakeholders collaborate is the only productive way of ensuring that we will achieve our shared goals to position Canada for prosperity in the 21st century.
You have asked what policies the federal government could implement to help Canadians and Canadian independent producers benefit from developments in emerging digital media. We conclude our presentation with our specific thoughts in this regard.
A national digital media strategy for Canada must be developed and implemented as quickly as possible. The strategy must recognize digital media as crucial to both the economic and the cultural future of Canada. It must deem broadband infrastructure as essential to the maintenance and enhancement of Canada's national identity and cultural sovereignty. It must enshrine the principle that each element of the broadband system must contribute in an appropriate manner to the creation and presentation of professional Canadian content and that a very large majority of that content should originate from independent sources.
Fourth, the strategy must recognize that the existence of meaningful terms of trade between independent producers and broadcasters is in the public interest and necessary to ensure equity and fairness in the system and promote diversity.
Fifth, the strategy must require that Canadians control broadband infrastructure, while also recognizing the need to attract greater private investment, both domestic and foreign, in our communications networks and in the creation of professional content.
Sixth, it must ensure basic access for all Canadians to broadband networks so that they may fully participate in the digital age.
Seventh, the strategy must renew the Canada Media Fund for five years. One- or two-year renewals create uncertainty and undermine the capacity for all stakeholders to develop long-term business plans.
Eighth, it must update existing support programs, like the Canadian film or video production tax credit or the Canada Media Fund to allow new distribution options to qualify a project for funding. Television broadcasters should no longer be the main gatekeepers for funding.
The strategy must revitalize CBC in light of the important role it plays in our system, and, last but not least, Canada's digital media strategy must incorporate a new export and co-production policy to stimulate the international segment of the independent production sector. The Canadian market alone is simply too small to stimulate any real growth, and therefore we must increasingly focus on opportunities in foreign markets. There is money there, I assure you.
That concludes our presentation. We would be happy to answer any questions you may have.
Thank you, Mr. Chairman.