We have an environment that provides many opportunities. We have a very active industry. We have producers who are active entrepreneurs who have brought this industry to the point where it is now. So, right now—our colleagues from the CFTPA may have provided you with the exact number—a large number of producers in Canada engaged in significant activities. I am not surprised to hear you say that these people have come here to make their case that they do not have enough funding.
I would like to make one comment. At Telefilm, we are very pleased that, in the latest budget, the government has kept funding for organizations that work in the cultural sector, including Telefilm in particular. This is a very important issue for us.
As the Executive Director of Telefilm, I have a duty to ensure that I administer these funds as efficiently and effectively as possible. The key, in my opinion—and this is part of my priorities—is to try to find partners in order to do more with what we have, to be a better financial lever in order to seek out international partners, in particular, and national partners as well.
In fact, Telefilm is very active internationally in order to try and increase the number of co-productions. We have specific activities in the television market, for example, where we match Canadian producers with international ones in order to encourage new co-productions.
We always have ways to measure our involvement. Last year, every dollar invested internationally in the MIP market yielded $13 in sales internationally. I think that this really is one way to have better financial leverage.