Just to Charlie's point, ultimately, what we're doing here will culminate in a report, will culminate hopefully in a direction or a pathway that the committee would like to see the government undertake. To have recommendations or to have things in the report that, frankly, the committee never heard wouldn't be overly helpful towards us putting together recommendations.
I think, to Charlie's point, there has to be more than just having somebody attend the conference so that they get a grasp of what's going on, because, with due respect to the analysts, the analysts aren't the ones who are actually going to preside over what the report ultimately says.
It's very important that the people around the table, the elected individuals around the table, actually have an understanding or a comprehension of what's going on at it. So I'd like to make sure that if we're going to do that we have some kind of plan or rationale as to why, because, ultimately, if we're not getting the information, then it's of no value to us in the report.