Thank you.
Thank you, to all of you, for coming before the committee today. Your presentations were extremely insightful and helpful to us.
I have a couple of questions, first of all, for Telefilm.
From the time you were created in 1967 until now, I know there have been a number of changes in terms of demographics and also your mandate, role, and vision.
When we take a look at StatsCan, some of the results that have come out are that two-thirds of Canada's population are going to be visible minorities in the next 20 years. What types of initiatives are you undertaking right now to prepare to reach out to the multicultural demographic of our country, and also to engage people from different ethnic communities to get involved in the process?
I know, having worked with Deepa Mehta, that she has had great support from Telefilm, from the Indian community in particular, to ensure that her films have a national and international platform. What other initiatives are under way to build those partnerships and bridges?