Thank you, Mr. Chair.
First of all, if the motion passes, I'd suggest that we strongly consider adding additional time to the committee rather than....
Well, then, find a sub. I'm happy to sit additional time so that we can continue to work on matters before the committee. We have set a schedule. I have no problem with adding some extra time, if that's the wish of the committee.
That said, the original motion was something that we could support. This motion is actually something that we can't support, as amended, because it calls on the Minister of Canadian Heritage and departmental officials, presumably to pass their decision over a hypothetical situation that has not yet come to fruition. There is no evaluation by the department on the impact of such a takeover, and you'd actually be asking them to pass judgment under the Investment Canada Act before they've actually even reviewed what has not yet transpired. This would not be a good precedent.
I understand Lions Gate Entertainment was here last week talking to MPs. I have no problem with their coming in to talk about what's before them. You can call on Mr. Icahn and representatives of Canada's film and television industry to talk about it, but calling on departmental officials to comment on a situation that is as yet a hypothetical situation, which does have market implications, would be irresponsible.