It's very hard to use a language that expresses the at times geographic distinctions that we would like to make. In this case, perhaps I could have said the francophone or anglophone markets. It depends on the subject. I've long been responsible for regional situations concerning francophones outside Quebec at Radio-Canada, and I'm familiar with the problems of language associated with certain subjects.
We could talk about predominantly anglophone markets. With regard to community television, they are in poorer shape than the francophone markets in Quebec, even though the latter leave a lot to be desired. I'll take this opportunity to say, regarding the description Mr. Simms gave of his community station and of his community's satisfaction, that I'm quite happy for them, but, based on the evidence we have on this matter, his situation is in the minority. I don't believe the people of New Brunswick would give that kind of evidence on local content, given that they now have only one station for the entire province.