Ah, yes, on the mechanism.
At another time, we would have established a royal commission and, as the universe wasn't evolving so quickly then, two or three years later, we could have had some common sense suggestions. The mechanism is too unwieldy under the current system.
I had occasion to speak with a number of people about this concept that the government had used, for example, in the case of the blue ribbon panel on the contribution agreements and scholarships. It produces results. There's one on telecommunications. Provided the panel is balanced with regard to points of view that are to be considered. This is a more workable mechanism; it could be a panel that has a mandate limited to a number of months and that would conduct a national consultation.
It's good to have a consultation until July 9, but that's nevertheless still a bit... Yes, it's a piece of the puzzle, but I think we need to digest all that.