Before I start, I sincerely apologize that our presentation is not available in French. We've been in intense consultations with the CRTC for the past three weeks. We are a small volunteer citizens organization, and it simply wasn't possible. However, I would be absolutely delighted to entertain your questions at the end in French, if you prefer, and to answer them in that same language.
I thank the Standing Committee on Canadian Heritage for inviting CACTUS today. I will address questions four through six in your terms of reference, which deal with accessibility to emerging and digital media.
Our proposal is the same--but shorter--as the one we made before the CRTC in its review of community TV two weeks ago. We appreciate the value you attributed to independent community TV in the motion that you passed on April 30. As that motion dealt with Quebec only, I welcome the opportunity to present our vision of independent community TV for all Canadians, and access to emerging and digital media via those organizations.
For those of you whom I haven't met before in person, the Canadian Association of Community Television Users and Stations represents community-owned and -operated television channels that distribute over the air, on cable, and on the Internet; the Canadians who use and watch them; and also the majority of Canadians who currently don’t have access to such a channel.
As you know, digital media are not really new. Computers have been common in Canadian homes since the 1980s, storing first text digitally, and then graphics and still pictures. The Internet as a means to share information developed in the 1990s, and digital formats to store audio and video became available at about the same time.
Perhaps what is new is the degree of convergence between computers and audiovisual technologies. It is this desire to share more bandwidth-intensive audiovisual information that is driving the demand for broadband access. The other big change on the horizon, of course, is the official switchover to digital television, which is driving production of HD content, purchases of digital television sets and set-top boxes, and the possible loss of free over-the-air TV for Canadian communities having fewer than 300,000 people.
With this switchover, the last distinction between previously analog and digital services will disappear. It is speculated that more and more television will be watched on the Internet, but no one really knows whether such demand can be accommodated, even with broadband.
With all the talk of bandwidth and distribution platforms, it's easy to lose sight of content. Media is still created in the same basic formats as in the 20th century: text, audio, still pictures, and moving pictures. New media platforms, such as the Internet, increase the possibilities to combine and interact with these media, but the basic media—and Canadians’ need for training to produce these media—remains the same.
“Media literacy” refers to the ability to interpret media and to create media for oneself. For example, we teach children not only to read, but also to write. Forward-thinking public policy-makers have always been concerned that the general public benefit from new media technologies, both as creators and as consumers of content. It’s widely acknowledged that the invention of the Gutenberg press drove the rise in written literacy in western culture. Public libraries became common, starting in the 19th century.
With the invention of audio and moving picture recording devices in the 20th century, forward-thinking governments and citizens sought access to radio and television. The first community radio channels began in the 1930s. The first community television channels opened in the 1970s, right here in Canada. Perhaps because the early video cameras broke down a lot, their maintenance and management of these channels were left in the hands of cable companies, who were building an infrastructure at the time for local TV distribution.
In all countries that followed our lead in the eighties and nineties, however, when television equipment had begun to drop in price and complexity, communities themselves own community channels. In Canada, there are only pockets of community-owned TV, including in Quebec, as referenced in your motion. There are also seven over-the-air community TV broadcasters scattered across the country and two cable co-ops on the prairies that offer local services--only a handful.
But radio and television are traditional media. What do they have to do with public access to new and digital media? Canadians need both the know-how to create media messages and the technology to reach their target audience, and there is a hierarchy of both skills and cost to obtain these forms of access.
Reading and writing are considered so essential that they’re taught in school. To create a radio program or audio message, you need to know not only how to write the script, but also how to interview guests, how to record sound, and how to edit. To create a television program or video message, you also need to understand such things as camera angles, lighting, and framing. And just as the skill level rises to produce text, audio, and video, so does the cost. Although digital cameras have fallen in cost, microphones, lighting, studio space, and transmission equipment have not.
So while anyone, it's true, can shoot raw footage with a camcorder and post it on YouTube, there are still multiple barriers for the average person in the new media environment. There are literacy barriers to produce effective messages. There are technological production barriers to capture civic or cultural events that require studios, lighting, multiple cameras, and crews. There are also technological distribution barriers to access audiences, especially local audiences, if the video is only available among the millions on YouTube. There may also be distribution or cost barriers if your target audience can't access or afford high-speed Internet.
Finally, as discussed by other presenters, there are legal barriers if you don't want to yield copyright to YouTube or other for-profit content aggregators.
There has been recognition by Canadian educators for almost 20 years that the definition of literacy must be expanded to include all media, including audio, video, and the Internet platform itself. Thanks to the Canadian Association of Media Education Organizations, or CAMEO, media literacy, including the rudiments of multimedia production, have been taught in the language arts curriculum across Canada since 2002.
Since the new media and digital tools will continue to evolve, however, there needs to be a resource in communities where Canadians of all ages--even if you're as old as 40--can both learn and use new media to distribute messages; a 21st century multimedia library and distribution hub, if you like.
In most parts of the country, the cable-managed model of community television still dominates and is unfortunately problematic. CRTC data revealed that more than 70% of the money cable subscribers pay for community expression is spent on cable-produced programs that promote their brand. More than two-thirds of the roughly 300 community channels that once existed have been closed. Consolidation in the cable industry has led to centralization of resources rather than the decentralization that is needed for an inclusive digital strategy. Rural Canadians are once more being excluded.
Finally, cable as a distribution platform has fallen from a penetration rate of over 80% a decade ago to just 60% today. So it's no longer universally accessible, especially in those same rural areas that have poor access to high-speed Internet and may soon lose free over-the-air TV.
Like libraries, the new multimedia training centres need to be publicly managed and accountable, freely accessible to the community, and to distribute content on all platforms.
So our vision of access by all Canadians to new and digital media is to build on and modernize the existing community television policy. The money Canadians already pay for community access could be directed to community-operated multimedia centres that would provide access to all media technologies as they become available.
By leveraging community manpower, they could generate the local content that has become so challenging to finance in the public and private sectors. They would distribute the content free over the air to cable and to the net and once communities have their own transmission infrastructures, and a couple of our members already do, they can offer retransmission of free OTA TV after the digital transmission if they choose, and other new media, including wireless Internet and mobile TV, as it becomes available.
The money collected from cable subscribers last year, which was more than $130 million, is enough to fund 250 such centres. That's at least one for every community over 10,000 people, additional neighbourhood offices in cities over 500,000, and about 50 centres in rural areas. They would be within reach of more than 90% of Canadians.
An important part of our strategy is to build on existing infrastructure. For example, you may have heard that there are already more than 3,000 free Internet portals countrywide--they're called “CAP” sites--that have been funded by Industry Canada since the 1990s. Many are located in libraries and community centres just as we envision, and they already teach some Internet skills, including multimedia. So our vision brings together many such organizations that have been heading in the same direction anyway as technologies have converged.
To conclude and respond to your question six, we specifically recommend, first, that the CRTC redirect the use of cable funds collected for local expression to community-owned and -operated multimedia centres by an arm's-length, fully transparent, and accountable fund.
Second, we recommend that one over-the-air frequency be reserved for community use in every market so that communities can benefit from new technologies for distribution as they become available. At present, it's not clear whether the CRTC, Industry Canada, or Heritage Canada could make this happen, and we request your assistance in obtaining clarification.
Third, over-the-air public and private broadcasters that elect to discontinue transmission in communities under 300,000 after August next year should be asked either to donate or give free access in perpetuity to their transmission towers and equipment so that communities that wish can step in to offer free over-the-air television, including a community TV service.
Again, I'd like to mention that two of our members currently already do this. They rebroadcast remote signals from the public and private sectors in addition to offering community service. So it's financially manageable for small communities. One of those communities has only 1,000 people.
I'd welcome your questions on behalf of CACTUS.