Well, community television traditionally, because it has a mandate to serve communities, has pioneered things like phone-in television and getting mobiles out into the community at community events. Even in a pre-interactive Internet age, the community television sector was always pushing the edge of interactivity.
An example of how that's morphed in the age now, with Internet, is one of the most advanced uses of community TV right now, a theatre company called Headlines Theatre in Vancouver. This company has 20-minute plays they develop in the community around things like homelessness, and meth addiction, which they present live in a theatre. People can intervene in the actual play and go up on stage and try to work out solutions. They're also broadcast over the local community channel, so people from home who are watching can actually call in and influence the outcome, too. They tell an actor, “Hey, why doesn't he try this?”, and the person goes up on stage and does it. They have now added an Internet component--it's Web streamed--so that people around the world who are also facing the big-city homelessness, meth addiction, and other problems can type in their suggestions from across the world and have these things appear on stage.
So because its mandate and its interest is to facilitate the community, community-run organizations find those new applications for new media better than anyone else, because that's their job.