Just very quickly, Ms. Edwards, in my hometown...and I'll keep this as local as I can; I want to scope this out. I appreciate your comments about CAP sites, multimedia, OTA, fundamental reasons. But let me just ask you this.
In my community, in my riding, we have community access, and it's through one of the major companies that are out there. They play bingo for raising money. They do news shows that pretty much reflect the community. They recently changed format. There was a huge uproar. They went back; they changed their decision.
I guess what I'm saying to you is that I don't know a lot of people in my area who would complain about this company that provides community cable, branded under their own. So what would be your intention to enhance or to create even more access to my community?
That's not a policy pronouncement in any way. I'm just saying, how do you envision this? Or what's wrong with this?