I couldn't agree more with what you said. Let me relate some of the experiences we have had, because when we're not doing the cultural industries, we have to build knowledge systems for the BMWs and the Coca-Colas of the world. We do this for hundreds of millions of people.
I would strongly encourage the committee to have someone come in who has been studying this, because we are now seeing studies showing the behaviour changes in 25-year-olds. Their brains are different. The physicality of their brains is now different. Kids, or those under 25, do not have memory ability the way we did. Their short-term memory is much smaller, but their ability to aggregate five or six pieces of information and integrate those is better than ours is. Their brains are different now.
There's no question, what you say is true. It's impacting the consumption of media, and it is moving up, because to stay relevant in society, the older people have to keep up with the ability to assimilate information or we will not be as productive as the others are.
I would like to add something to the comment on Google. People should realize that the most used website in the world is now not Google. It's Facebook, as of three weeks ago. This is a brutally competitive area. It is in tremendous flux.
You'd do well, when you are considering the future, to think of this as an evolutionary process and not as a piece of legislation at a moment in time. If you think of it that way, you'll get it wrong, because it is changing so quickly.
I would add to and confirm something you said and that I've seen in other areas: this is a tremendously emotional topic. We hold the past very dear, and the things that we grew accustomed to. I like paper still. I like to read the newspaper. But the reality is that the models are changing, and we owe a service to the country to anticipate those model changes.