Again, I'm an observer of the media world, and he's in the media world.
As an observer of the media world, the single biggest thing I see across every country, everywhere I go, it doesn't matter where—Europe, America, Asia—is that the media companies are grappling with what we call the “long tail”. This means that when you sell advertising in the newspaper, you get so many hundreds of thousands of dollars, or $10,000 or whatever...or advertising in TV. But on the web, the long tail refers to the eyeballs that you get for many, many years from that content, and the digitization value is very small.
This is a huge issue for all media companies--all of them. It doesn't matter what regime or what regulatory environment they're in, this is a huge change in the business model.
That's easily the biggest thing I've been able to observe as a toolmaker to the media people.