Let me first say yes, absolutely we do, but let me then qualify it. We are very fortunate in Canada that we have a very sophisticated.... I don't know how to describe it any more than to say that we have a very sophisticated people. They are as good as anyone in the world. And I know all the people all throughout the world doing this; our people are very good at this, so yes. However, we have many challenges in our country to give them the tools by which to further and keep up. We are a huge country and very sparse, so many of the issues we have are about access. A country like Singapore has a very simple model. If we were just all aggregated together within 10 kilometres of each other, it would be a simple story.
So we have the people, but our challenge is that we need the leadership from the centre, from government, to overcome some of the inherent challenges we have with the tools. Digitization is a big issue. You can be digitally literate, but if we do not have a program to get what makes us Canadians online--