Thank you.
Mr. Ingles, you are not the first person from the field of literature or libraries to come before us and set out the issues within the world of documentation as they relate to digitization. It is my understanding that there were four issues of interest. I would like to hear your comments on that.
I will present the first three and then talk about the fourth, i.e., copyright.
The first issue is the digitization of documents. I take it that, when you talked earlier about documents, you were not only referring to written documents, on paper, but other forms of documents as well. The digitization of documents, if I understand correctly, is the first issue. For representatives of the book or publishing sector, the problem is one of content, but that is not an issue for the library sector.
The second issue is Google. We know that Google has digitized millions of books, whether in French, English or Spanish, and sent letters to publishers stating that, if they objected to that, they simply could take the company to court. The industry in Quebec is waging a major battle against that. I would like to know whether you were affected by Google's actions, and what your response was .
The third issue is government assistance. You told us that you received a $200,000 grant to support the creation of software.