Actually, in contrast to what I believe would happen with the consolidation of Maple with another buyer, we've actually expanded our Maple business. I can't tell you the exact amount of employees we have in our Toronto office. My guess is it's around 40, but we've actually expanded their business.
As you may or may not know, our business in Toronto, our distribution, is actually a number of different activities. It's not only distributing the Lionsgate films, but actually we've expanded this year, and a full third of our business, from a revenue perspective, was actually films that were not Lionsgate. You may or may not know that we also distribute all of the French language films from Equinoxe. We are the English Canada distributor of those films. Together with Lionsgate, Maple goes out into the international market and acquires third-party films. Frankly, it's very much because of the other rights that Lionsgate is able to buy that Maple is able to finance those films.
So our whole idea with Maple over the last two or three years is to give our Canadian employees an ownership interest, and to incentivize them to grow well beyond just the Lionsgate product and to build their overall business as a Canadian company.