In terms of stewardship, we certainly recognize the role that Ducks Unlimited, for example, plays in restoring wetlands. In my region, Hilliardton Marsh is a great example. Our students are out there as part of their student programs. It has given incomparable benefits in terms of ensuring that we actually know what the bird population is and that we actually have wetlands where ducks can land safely, so there is that role.
I don't want to understress the economic role, but trapping is a time-honoured way of life, and people do make their living through it. I want to go to the issue of first nation hunting and fishing rights, because that is a special and unique relationship identified under constitutional rights. In my region on the James Bay coast--and you've been there and you know what it's like--if people aren't hunting, they're not feeding their families, because otherwise you can't feed your kids with the price of food being what it is at the northern stores in these isolated communities.
So you are supportive of a special recognition on the day so that we are also recognizing the unique relationship that our first nation communities have with their hunting, trapping, and fishing activities?