If I can answer your question this way, I was speaking to a reporter today about this private member's bill, and he tried to make the connection to its proximity to the long-gun vote.
I consider Mr. Del Mastro--Dean--a friend as well as a colleague. I do not wish to imperil this bill by mixing it with some other issues. Yes, hunters carry guns, because that's how you hunt. Archery is also a great and growing part of hunting. There is a connection, no doubt, but I think what we have to do with this bill, as far as I'm concerned, is look at it for what it is, and that's talking about our heritage. Part of that heritage....
I grew up with firearms in the house. I worked with firearms in my other career life, and I still have some for recreational purposes. I have my opinion on that, and my voting record and party affiliation, I think, speak for themselves, but this bill goes further than that. This bill speaks to something that we've been talking about, and that's the heritage of our country. It's the DNA of Canada. I'm not saying it's our raison d'Ăªtre today, but I'm saying it forms part of who we are as a nation. So while I admit there are some linkages, I think we need to look at the positive aspects of that heritage and realize that from the standpoint of our heritage, there's more in this country that unites us than separates us.
These are other battles we can fight on a different field. Yes, I am a member of the public safety and national security committee, and currently I'm also in justice and human rights, but I like to separate the two. I can tell you that most anglers, hunters, and trappers jealously guard their ability to do either the recreational or the livelihood side.
Mr. Angus said that we'll downplay the monetary aspect; I need to throw in that trapping in this country accounts for $800 million annually. Much of that money goes to our first nations folks. It is a very important part not only of the sustainability of their culture but also of their ability to just survive.