Mr. Richards, I'd like to take a crack at your question.
When you look at the annual returns in music industries around the world, some are actually positive. That's a lesson for Canada—which ones are, and why. Sweden is one, as is the U.K., Australia, and Korea. It isn't all bad news.
One of the things these countries have is very aggressive infrastructure development in the mobility sector and ISP sector. That's something we don't have here--seriously. That's a real problem for Canada. We were one of the most advanced nations in the world 10 years ago in terms of connectivity, but are now lagging behind and rated 27th or 28th on the OECD ratings, both in terms of cost per person and bandwidth speeds. So we're in a bad position that way.
What the Ontario government is contemplating—I know you don't like to take lessons from Mr. McGuinty, “Premier Dad”—is setting up things like venture capital funds to support infrastructure development. Governments get paid back for these investments in the end, which are not just grants or loans. In Ontario's case, these are of a substantial size—$100 million, $150 million, to which our companies would have access and others who want to develop the Canadian infrastructure for distribution.
So when you only have 20 download sites and the Germans have 50, it doesn't take much imagination to figure out why it is they have a positive upswing in their digital music sales. They just have better and more distribution. We just don't have it. So our ISPs have been really lazy, having these managed monopolies, of course, and really lazy in setting up these opportunities for our distribution system.
So we have to look at all of that. I agree with Don that it's not just one thing; it's all these other things, but that's a critical component right now of our ability to recover sales.