Could I make a comment?
We, and ADISQ in Quebec, represent most if not close to all of the domestic record production in Canada, so we own all the copyrights to the stuff that's going to be traded on these networks. I don't want to debate Don on the merits of the system, but I was for 25 years a researcher, and the last research I did was on this phenomenon, before I came into this association. Half of Canadians never purchased a CD in the year 2005. They didn't. Half of the country never purchased music. And the top quintile, the top 20% of purchasers, purchased 15 to 20 a year.
So the market for music in Canada has always been highly skewed: young men 18 to 34 buying lots of stuff on an ongoing basis. So when you talk about the opt-out provisions, the problem with that is, if it's true to history, half the people won't be in it. So it cuts your revenue in half immediately. That's problematic, from our perspective.
It's not that we don't appreciate SAC's determination to pay us. We love it, it's great, and I think it's an interesting idea to debate. But our companies, as I tried to illustrate in this document, are proceeding on a different assumption, that this won't happen and they're going to have to create new business models where the revenue streams are going to come from other areas to support their artists. That's where we're going today. That's the “Canadian cool kids”, like the Arts & Crafts, who have Broken Social Scene, and companies like that. They're not proceeding on the assumption that they're going to be paid this way.