If you think about the old model, a company in the record business would make a record, sell 50,000 to 100,000 copies of the record, somebody else would sell the publishing rights, someone else would manage the band, someone else would create merchandise and sell it. There might be five or six companies involved.
Today, new companies that are starting up—and I mentioned one a minute ago, Arts & Crafts in Toronto, which had Leslie Feist and some other great new acts—they are all of those things in one company. So they're a publisher, a management company, a merchandise company, a record label in one entertainment company. The artist then becomes the brand, and then all of these opportunities to create revenue are brought back into that company.
In their case, one of the artists is actually a partner, and this is unique in the entertainment business. Where the artist becomes a partner in the company, all these revenue streams are focused on the brand. The artist is a brand. For them, for example, Broken Social Scene is a brand, Leslie Feist is a brand for Canada, and they have these different business—