I think they already are. If you're into a specific kind of music....
We have a house in Toronto and a house in New York. When I'm in Toronto, one of the most multicultural cities, if I would like to go and see Jamaican roots hip hop, I can go and see it. I can't see that in New York, believe it or not. We have one of the most vibrant music communities in the world, and people see us as a real....
I know that friends of mine from New York go to Toronto for bands. Everything goes through Toronto. It's a really good music scene. But if you're into Jamaican hip-hop rap, then it doesn't matter if you live in Canada or you live in Denmark, Sweden, or wherever.
I'm going to give you an example. A stand-up comedian in America was not doing very well on the stand-up circuit, wasn't making any money. He decided to put some of his stand-up on YouTube. He looked at the data and found out he was getting all sorts of people watching it from Sweden and Denmark, in Scandinavia. He went over there, did a tour, and he's huge there now, absolutely massive. I can't remember his name, I'm so sorry, but there's example after example like this. It's about niche.
I am a Canadian, a proud Canadian, but I don't want to watch things made by Canadians. I want to watch stuff I'm interested in. If it happens to be made by a Canadian....
In a lot of the meetings I go to in New York, I'll leave the meeting and say, “Oh, by the way, I'm Canadian”, and four other people will put up their hands and say, “I didn't even know.”
So for me, it's about niche and passion. That's what the Internet has unleashed on us. It doesn't matter about being Canadian. We already lead the world. We've got a great education system. What our government can do is keep those things moving forward, ensure that Canadians have all the things that are basic human rights, and we'll be great.