Thank you very much, and thank you to the witnesses for appearing before us today.
Digital technology is obviously changing a lot of how we perceive things. I certainly think it's making the world much smaller. The CRTC was designed in the 1960s, when we decided we'd put a big wall up around the country and try to create a unique Canadian market. I think that challenge is something that the CRTC today struggles with greatly. Communities within a few miles of the border could stick up an antenna and receive those signals anyway, but when it got a little further than that, those signals couldn't be pushed that far, so you were able to create a largely distinct Canadian market.
Now we have the advent of the Internet. Mr. Angus is lamenting about some of the access to broadband and so forth, but last week he indicated something that I think is very true, which is that his kids don't watch TV; they're on YouTube. My nieces are on YouTube every night. They don't watch TV; they're watching what they want to watch, on demand. I was interested to see that we now have Apple TV, and Netflix has come to Canada.
Can you confirm if there are any Canadian content restrictions on Netflix or Apple TV in Canada?