As I was saying, to date we've relied really on the marketplace to extend broadband as far as possible. In addition to that there have been a number of targeted subsidy programs introduced by both the provinces, the federal government, and in some cases municipalities, to try to roll out broadband to specific areas.
I've heard different concerns along the same lines as what you've just described: that certain communities are looking for broadband and are getting no cooperation from the service providers to roll it out. I think that's part of the rationale as to why, as I was saying, both the federal government in the national digital economic strategy it initiated in May is looking at ways whereby we can maybe bridge the divide and get broadband rolled out in a more efficient manner in Canada, and the commission decided to include broadband in its review of basic telecommunication services, to take a look at options and just what we can do to ensure that communities like yours have broadband going forward.